History and archaeology

History and archaeology

Anthropology in its broadest definition is the science of knowing and studying humans and our being human. In terms of subject scope, anthropology today is divided into four scientific branches. physical anthropology; Cultural-social anthropology, archeology and linguistics. Meanwhile, archeology is much closer to social-cultural anthropology in terms of theory and subject. In 1871, Edward Taylor defined culture as "the collection of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, traditions, and every kind of habit and ability" that man acquires as part of a society. In this way, while socio-cultural anthropologists study living and contemporary societies and their culture, archaeologists study past cultures and societies through the material remains - or in the common term, material culture - left behind by them. they pay From this point of view, archeology is actually a sub-branch of anthropology. Archeology is no longer a science in pursuit of finding ancient objects, providing materials for art history studies, and simply reconstructing the material culture of past societies, but its purpose is to reconstruct the behavior and life of the people who created ancient remains and interpret their material culture, and in pursuit of understanding the cultural trends and Anthropological interpretations of the society and culture of the past. However, due to the loss of many documents and evidence, archaeologists are always facing the great challenge of interpreting these material remains and finding out the hidden layers of human thought and behavior. Therefore, today's archeology to achieve these goals by designing and implementing middle range research from creative study methods such as ethnoarchaeology, experimental archeology and historical analogy or It uses anthropology, and in this regard, by taking advantage of common approaches and methods in other sciences, from humanities to natural, technical and engineering sciences, it provides wide solutions in sub-fields such as paleoclimatology, plant archaeology, and ancient fauna. It has taken science, archeology and many other sciences in its service and has become very wide in terms of subject scope.
