Educational Science

Introduction of educational science department:

Education is a complex and interdisciplinary subject that uses a range of basic disciplines such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics, curriculum studies, social and political studies, anthropology, history, neuroscience, etc. The complexity of educational phenomena that "results in the need for dialogue and collaboration between different disciplines" along with the fact that "the contexts and variables that affect education are often uncontrollable", has made Berliner claim that educational research, It is the most difficult science among other sciences. In fact, scientific practice and the implementation of scientific findings in education are very difficult, because humans are placed in complex and variable networks of social interaction. Due to the complexities of education, the field of educational sciences was established. In this regard, the field of educational sciences (traditionally pedagogy) beyond teaching in the classroom and inclusive learning, seeks to describe, understand and prescribe policy and improve educational practice and issues such as education, andragogy, curriculum, learning, educational policy, organization examines leadership and... in order to advance educational policies and practices. In addition, this field is not only related to school education, but also applies to family education, adult education, and professional training and development, etc. School education usually takes place in the interaction between learners and a teacher and based on a curriculum in the social context of the class, but the classes are located in the physical, social and economic context of the schools and the schools are part of the regional and/or national educational system that They are managed and supervised by the educational management and political system. It is obvious that the analysis and improvement of school education in these three levels - micro level (classroom), medium level (school as an institution) and macro level (educational system) - requires extensive research and dialogue and interaction with a variety of disciplines, social sciences, Humanities and basic sciences and using them to improve educational practice.